Irdeen's Music

These music players features all the music that I've composed, scroll down for more information!

Irdeen's Orchestra Music

NOTE** Scroll down in the music player for different orchestra genres!

To download my music:

1. Simply click on the picture in the music player and you will get to my Soundclick page.

2. Click on the link that says "Check all *number* songs on the music page"

3. Click the image which shows an arrow pointing down to download the selected song.

4. Make yourself comfortable and listen :) Thanks!

For questions, Email me: and I will try to answer as many questions as I can. Please don't add me on msn, just getting to many contacts to remember who they are.


Irdeen's Video Player

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Upcoming Machinimas and a new site!

Greetings and welcome to "me" new site! :P

I hope you like it and if you got any ideas to improve it just let me know by Email me or comment at my channels or something :)
I have hmm.. let's see. Think it is 3 upcoming machinimas
One of them is a long movie and will be probably about 50 min to 1 hour long and I'm going to make the film with X-Cross and some other voice actors! :D
The second one is a Christmas Special that will come out before Christmas I hope and one more to go..
Gnomish Rocket Boots wich is a commercial thingy. Well I don't want to reveal it so you have to check it out when it comes :)
Here is a screenshot of it by the way
Call 555-pwn-n00b and you will get this Super Mega Sexy Cool Gnomish Rocket Boots Today!
I hope that it will turn out okay, by the way.. Senriaa is going to voice act in it :)

Here is a screenshot for my Christmas Special :)

What do you think? :P
You can chat with me over the Forums and at my channels you will find to the right.

Goodbye and Merry early Christmas to Everyone out there! :D

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